About Body Friendly Chiropractic

Regardless of your health goals, please understand that we see ourselves as mere servants. You're the boss! It's your body, your health and your future.

Our job is to offer you the finest chiropractic care possible, and it's up to you to decide how much of it you want.

Our approach is simple. We believe that health is among our most valuable possessions. And while we generally meet people after they've lost their health, our commitment is three-fold:

vitruvian man

1. Relief Care

Relief or wellness care... it's your choice.

When many people seek care in our office they have one goal: relief. So that's where we start! During this initial stage of intensive care, we have several obligations:

2. Spinal Remodeling

This office specializes in Pettibon Spinal Biomechanics. This treatment system is designed to diagnose and correct abnormal spinal structure, abnormal spinal function, and abnormal posture. These corrections are intended to be long -lasting. This treatment is vastly different from conventional chiropractic care.

Did you get up this morning to brush your teeth? Of course you did! But, what did you do to maintain the health of your spine this morning? If you are accepted as a spinal remodel patient you will be taught specific spinal exercises and hygiene necessary to achieve a long-lasting spinal correction. These exercises fit within a specialized framework of treatments specific to your spinal configuration as demonstrated on X-ray. Schedule for a free consultation today to learn more about this.

3. Sports Specific Care

Are you are having trouble with a sports injury? Be it recent, or chronic, I have a special program for you. First we find the cause of the pain and dysfunction and fix it. Then I will give you special Rehab exercises specific to your injury and the sport that you want to play. I have written a whole book on golfing injuries and how to heal them and then play the best golf of your life.


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